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Diversity, equity & inclusion statement


We at Northstar take diversity, equality and inclusion seriously.

Not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because we are a diverse group of people, sharing a company vision of a better workplace for all, irrespective of who we are, what we believe in or what choices we make.

We believe everyone counts and everyone matters.

Not only in our workplace with our colleagues, but with our clients, customers, suppliers and the industries we serve

Our objectives

  • To treat people with dignity regardless of who they are, where they come from or their opinions.
  • To be mindful of how different groups may feel and the struggles they face.
  • To be open and honest when discussing the area of diversity, equality and inclusion.
  • To keep DEI in mind when we work – be it in interviews, commissioning speakers, how we represent our audiences or when we create advisory boards.
  • To champion equality for all.

We know we won’t get it right all of the time

The area of DEI is constantly evolving, which is great as it shows it is on peoples’ agendas. But that also means that the language used to describe different groups changes and what is acceptable in one place or country is not acceptable somewhere else. We are a global company and we want to ensure we get things as right as possible, so we encourage you to contact us if you feel we aren’t getting it right.

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