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13 Dec 2019

Keeping hundreds warm over winter with coat donations

Keeping hundreds warm over winter with coat donations

Over 400 coats as well as 50 winter accessories were donated by team members from across the company’s five nationwide sites as part of Village Hotels’ Hope for a Coat campaign.

“When our partners at Village Hotels initially shared their vision for the Hope for a Coat campaign, we were delighted to offer our assistance. We have been overwhelmed by the response from our colleagues, it has been a very humbling initiative that we have been proud to support,” says Sharon Bannister, Partner Manager for Capita Travel and Events.

"From the initial target of 1,000 coats over five weeks, I cannot believe that we have just hit 20,100 coats! I find people's generosity so humbling and I am grateful for the support of Capita Travel and Events’ employees and customers. Between us all we pulled together, and I am so pleased to say we have made a big difference. I have personally delivered donated coats to charities with Capita employees, we have met some incredibly inspiring people and heard some heart-warming stories. Everyone should be so proud of themselves," says Jamie Hunter, National Account Manager for Village Hotels.

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