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15 Jan 2020

Travel Technology To Fit Your Future

Travel Technology To Fit Your Future

Are you attending the Business Travel Show at Olympia London? 

Make your way over to stand B680 and meet our Sales Team who will be happy to introduce you to one of the fastest growing Travel Management companies in recent years across the UK and Ireland.

With over 96% client retention, our philosophy is to learn, understand and tailor our offering to help you maximise your business experience, whilst at the same time reducing your costs and resource. We partner with you, embrace your requirements and utilise the latest technology and reporting systems.

Join us on stand for live demos of our latest travel technology alongside the launch of our innovative and bespoke travel tool, The HUB.  With everything housed within one central platform, The HUB is a one-stop shop for all your business travel needs.  Let us take you through our advanced portfolio of platforms from our Online Booking Tool, Traveller Tracking to online reporting technology and much more.

So why not simplify your business travel and visit us on stand at the Business Travel Show.  We look forward to finding out more about your company travel requirements and how we can provide travel technology to fit your future in 2020.

Get Selective with your business travel, visit stand B680, London Olympia, 26-27 February 2020.

If you would like to book an appointment with Selective Travel Management at the Business Travel Show, email



