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15 Jun 2022

Meet this year's Innovation Faceoff finalists.....TripShift

Meet this year's Innovation Faceoff finalists.....TripShift
The 2022 Business Travel Innovation Faceoff will feature nine presentations of cutting-edge products, technologies and services developed by suppliers to address industry challenges and support managed business travel, meetings and/or business travellers. The presentations will take place live at the Business Travel Show Europe and streamed online to those viewing virtually via SwapCard.

TripShift is a B2B focussed technology platform that makes it easy for companies to track, reduce and report their Scope 3 emissions which includes commuting, business travel and logistics.

Name, job title

Andrew Hughes, Founder & CEO, TripShift

When were you founded?

January 2020  

What do you do?

Scope 3 travel and transport emissions, made simple. TripShift provides automated carbon tracking solutions for employee commutes, business travel and transport.

What problem does your innovation solve?

Under the new TCFD regulations (April 2022) many businesses are now required to track and report the emissions and impact from their scope 3 carbon emissions which has been defined to include employee commuting, business travel and logistical transport across their business and also their supply chains.

What are the benefits to travellers and organisations with travellers?

Manually tracking and compiling data across an organisation would be a resource intensive task before the business has even begun to understand the data and look at ways of reducing their carbon impact on their journey towards NetZero. TripShift automates the process collecting the data across the organisation, visualising and highlighting areas that the business can make practical reductions in their emissions profile. TripShift also engages with employees using gamification and behavioural change techniques to engage them with the carbon reduction process voluntarily. Creating a win/win situation for the business helping to address climate change requirements while working closely with their employees to create better engagement and results. TripShift is an enabler turning NetZero strategy into action.  

What are your plans for future growth?

The technology is now proven and early customers are already onboard. The technology works anywhere in the world and our challenge now is to grow globally just as our clients travel requirements take them on global journeys. We want them all to move better with TripShift.

What will it mean to you to win the Innovation Faceoff?

A huge opportunity to increase awareness of TripShift. Everybody cares about climate change but TripShift makes it easy for everybody to travel but still reduce business and individual emissions. We literally want to help you move better.

Complete this sentence. Business Travel Show Europe is the place to … business by moving better with TripShift; tracking and reducing your emissions, taking carbon out of the environment.

TripShift will take part in an Innovation Faceoff presentation on Thursday 30 June at 10:00-10:30. Registration is open now for Business Travel Show Europe, 29-30 June at ExCeL London.

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